
John and David Brett are the two Irish brothers bringing a world of flavour and innovation to your table. Growing up in a farming family, they instinctively learned that great food comes from the good land that supports it. At Oakpark, the connection to the earth is strong. Our family is involved in every step of the process to bring you the best bacon anywhere in the World! We sow the seeds of native Irish corn that are the staple of the feed used on our family pig farm. The feed is made in our very own family mill in Callan County Kilkenny. We cure our pork in Cahir County Tipperary, ensuring a quality of craft and distinction in taste.

Oakpark is part of the family owned Brett Group started in 1940 by Bridget Brett and her four sons. The company’s success has grown from the roots of a small agricultural merchant, selling inputs to farmers in Kilkenny and Tipperary to a multinational pork and bacon processor servicing some of the biggest retailers in the world.

Brett’s are one of Ireland’s leading animal feed millers and grain merchants. We specialise in pig feed, made from Irish wheat and barley. Oakpark has a direct supply link with sister company Sunglen Pig Farm which is a fully integrated 1500 sow farm located in Threecastles, Co Kilkenny. Our mill in Callan Co. Kilkenny manufactures pig feed using a bespoke diet. This is then fed to our own pigs on our farm in Threecastles Co. Kilkenny. At Oakpark we process top quality and delicious pork and bacon.

Oakpark Foods


The Brett Group is embedded in the Irish Agri-Food sector, particularly the pig sector. Our family’s unique group of businesses give us Seed to Fork provenance.
At Oakpark we have invested heavily in the most modern slicing and traceability technology available in the food industry. An investment of over €5m in the past three years has enabled our factory in Cahir, Co. Tipperary to supply premium pork and bacon products right across Europe and further afield.
We operate to the highest international standards with quality the benchmark of our company policy.

See below our national and international accreditations and customer base.

Our Accreditations

Bord Bia

Approved under the Bord Bia Meat Processor Quality Assurance Scheme.

BRCS Food Safety Certified

Brand Reputation through Compliance

dept Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine
Licensed under plant number IE 513 EC.

Oakpark is a proud verified member of Origin Green

Origin Green is a world leading national sustainability programme.

Our Customers

Dunnes Stores
BWG Foods
Home Bargains
Heron Foods

Our Products